Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Do we really have to be grown ups?

I've decided to keep a diary of sorts. Observations if you will about life. Depending on your age usually sets your priorities in life. When you're a kid your priorities are how much fun can I have in one day and is there some treat at the end of the day to make it all worth while. When you're an adult it may seem different but really we are still essentially setting the same priorities but we push them back while we do our, "Grown Up" stuff. You know, work, whether it be at home or out in the actual workforce we still try to fit in as much fun as we can have in one day and hope that at the end of it there is some sort of treat to make it all worth while.
If you are all work and no play then you are missing out on life. I find that no matter how miserable I feel if someone smiles my way or is kind to me, even by something simple like opening a door, it makes me feel as if, "ya know what, life has highlights every day, I just need to look for them" and then I smile and pay it forward to the next person who may be having a miserable day.
We can take lessons from our critters too. I have a dog, she is a Chorkie (Chihuahua/Yorkie mix), she weighs a whole five pounds and her name is Chloe. She's content to curl up in a ball on my lap for as long as she can and just relax and sleep, that's her job but she also takes time to do crazy stuff. Suddenly she will chase a toy or just pounce around growling for no reason or making funny sounds and twisting her head from side to side when you talk to her. The point is it really doesn't matter to her if we understand her mood or not she just captures the moment and makes the most of it and that's what we should push ourselves to do. Don't take life so seriously that we forget to look at things from different angles or different perspectives. Be a critter and live on the lighter side of things from time to time.

Enjoy the Angle :o)